Pattern-Interrupt Practice
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Team Future Story Workshops 

Telling our life story is the meduium

for moving us from where we

are today to where we want to go.

Providing space for creative expression

 is essential for getting in touch

with our intuitive wisdom.

Some people write, others play music,

I tell my story with paint!

."The truth about stories is that's

all we are." ~ Thomas King

Kathleen Quinn-Matus


Kathleen studied both psychology and design thinking.  From her early 20's she has focused on using imagery with interactive practices as a vehicle for change.  Kathleen is no stranger to change.  


In her early years she was a free lance artist in Buffalo with gallery representation from east to west coast including an art gallery in Manhatten.  A few years later Kathleen returned to school at Syracuse University and completed an MFA.  She became part of the SU faculty; where she shared with her students ways the arts are a powerful catalyst for change.  


Later she went on to teach high school where she implemented a school wide student-centered resilience program combining three disciplines (art & life coaching with yoga). The immersion processprovided students with the opportunity to develop resilient thinking skills.


After 18 years, Kathleen re-careered from high school to start her own business as a full time innovation coach.  Since then her professional life has been dedicated to igniting transformational change within individuals and organizational environments.  She has partnered with people from all walks of life (executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and organizations). She teams with professionals who aspire to be a part of the evolutionary story of 'what's to come' for themselves and for their communities. 


Kathleen's other passion is painting at her lakeside studio and offering expressive painting workshops for small groups. 


We live in a rapidly changing economy where saying no to status quo determines who flourishes and who flounders in our interconnected world. You are successful, you have made it from a world stand point, and yet as you stand today, you’re rowing faster than ever and in need of a powerful paddle.  Our world economy is making new demands that take us outside of our comfort zone. People are in transition and looking to make changes in their life and work and yet, not sure what that is or how to move forward. 



As a credentialed coach Kathleen offers team members an innovation assessment that identifys team strengths and preferences in conjunction with creative practices.  This instrument is designed to draw out insights that power up team communication and innovation.  



What Does the Art You Create Say About You?

Kathleen is offering small studio coaching retreats for women where she combines art with coaching to accelerate insights quickly.  She feels we are now at a critical time when women need to step up to make the changes the world needs to create new roles and avenues for change. Kathleen partners to help women find this direction.  Art with coaching is the process, your life story is the medium!  Her integrative whole person approach provides the intellectual capital with the intutive nudge needed to move women leaders from where they are today to where they want to be.

Click HERE to learn more.



This is the 2nd generation of coaching designed to move participants beyond words that STOP the monkey-mind, so that they become more present and tap into their deeper wisdom.  Kathleen combines both linear (logical) and divergent (creative) thinking skills to encompass whole brain thinking. The combination of both ignites spontaneous insights that support personal and professional growth.  The visual is a safe means for interpretation and pushing boundaries.  Working with imagery quiets the dominant left brain chatter and opens the space to wisdom thinking so that you can gain even deeper insights quickly.   


Miles Davis’s not just about the notes in music, it’s about the space between the notes.  


How can one access their intuitive space amongst the mind chatter?   First, you will be introduced to the materials (no prior art training needed, participants can even us magazines).  From there she creates a safe space to take a swan dive into a blank sheet of paper.  Kathleen empahsizes "This is your process; your space, you come up with symbolic imagery using the materials make sense of it"!  This type of creative experience encourages us to move through the risk adverse mindsets that keep us stuck.  Kathleen says "this is a simple process, yet powerful because, it builds a courageous mindset and vision that can shift perspectives that govern our thinking".  


As a coach it is NOT her role interpret your visual image.  Once your image is complete Kathleen asks the questions that you might not ask yourself so that you can more easily unlock your meaning and insights.  It is the inquiry stage we draw on our logical and emotional brain.  Her holistic approach brings you to a place of clarity, strength and heightened awareness.  It is then you can better customize powerful action steps for living your truth, your best life.    This all take place her lakeside studio.   

Note: Art inquiry process does not require any privious art experience.

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