Pattern-Interrupt Practice
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Have You Valued A Walking Practice?  Well I have...and let me explain.
At first I had my doubts...that's normal!

A walking practice provides an opportunity to actualize our life intentions along with providing an opportunity to

de-stress.  Here’s my story…

A decade ago I was feeling lonely, I was wanting a life partner, yet never seemed to meet the right person. 


Here’s the walking practice I used and continue to use today.


  1. I set aside a specific time to walk each day with a focus on feeling loved.  

  2. During my walk I included self talk…“I'm getting closer, and even though and I haven’t seen him yet. I know, I absolutely know without a doubt, he’s walking towards me too.”   

  3. I also imagined seeing a figure way off in the distance; my future partner walking towards me. 

  4. When the walk was over I released my intention and went about my normal daily activities.


Why is a walking a powerful practice for making life changes?


  • When we commit to a daily practice we are telling ourself that our behavior matters.   

  • Acting on our intentions helps us to release limited beliefs that keep us stuck. 

  • Leaning into our desired future state on a daily basis seeds our subconscious mind.  These seeds sprout new synaptic connections. These connections provide insights for how best to move forward.

Photo: Karsten Winegeart

Just so you know throughout this process I did have many doubts, that’s normal! Yet my walking practice seeded a new paradigm for my life.  Over time my doubts began to diminish because walking, as a practice, encompasses our body, mind and e=motions (energy-in-motion) with our desired future state.  I have come to realize that what I needed was a new a new belief and a new feeling.  I began to shift from feeling lonely to feeling lovable, not matter what my life circumstance.  It was only then that I met my future husband. 

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