Pattern-Interrupt Practice
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Winter Collage'

Capture Your Joy

Jump start your new year!


What is around the house
Colored papers
Wrapping paper
Colored pens/markers
Glue stick
Your imagination

Guess What's Coming April 2023
A Little More Creativity and...

Connecting with your YOU ~ Creatively* 


Is it time to figure out what's new for you - what's next for you - what's possible for you? You are invited to participate in a meaningful experience that amplifies both your inner “wizard” and your inner “muse”. 


Are you ready to explore your story, grow and evolve together? Here is a sneak peek of what we are offering - with a nice discount for early registration! Plus, if you are interested, you can gain some CCEs!


Yes, something new and creative is coming this APRIL. We welcome you and invite you to consider joining us!

Learn more & register

Getting to know us

Perhaps you are in a place of transition. Perhaps you are feeling like there is something more in life that you want to experience. Perhaps you are just wanting to power down for a few days and freshen up your vision of the future. Maybe it is time to examine the “old way” and look for a “new way”.

In this highly-interactive, hands-on Leadership Unleashed! Retreat we will access BOTH our “pragmatic wizard” AND our “inner muse" to process what is and get a sense of what’s next. 


Learn more & register here

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