Pattern-Interrupt Practice
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Light Up Your Synapsis During Challenging Times

"We are all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations and there's always a door; it's how we evolve.  We have to see adversity and challenges from a greater level of consciousness...not from the conscious that created it".      ~ Joe Dispenza


How would it be to reboot, recalibrate, evolve your best life?  With even more space to breathe during the shut down, it's a perfect time to re-examine what is important and what is not. Many clients have been busy sorting their closets, raking lawns (and more) in preparation for spring.  What if we took clearing our clutter to the next level?  Since life will not be the same as we know it, it's a perfect time to flush out past habits, emotions and beliefs that block our mental pathways to visioning new I hear a YES?  


During this time of social distancing, I'm grabbing my journal to ask a few questions.  Asking questions and writing down what comes up fires new connections (synapses in our brain) that would otherwise remain dormant.  This is an active mindful practice.  It's ok if you want to sit quietly.  My preference is to take these quesions with me on my daily walks, not forcing any answers.  When I return home I jot down any insights that I need to pay attention to.


Always keep in mind...

Allow your insights to surface, don't force the answers and be patient!  


  1. What am I ignoring that I need to pay attention to? 

  2. What do I need to learn about myself?

  3. What implications does this learning have for my future?

  4. What am I wanting to embrace that is new? 

  5. What do I need to leave behind? 

  6. Am I willing to take step(s) and if so what are they? 


New times demand new thinking.  New thinking opens doors that were not so obvious before. I invite you to give this practice a try and let me know what new doors are opening for you! 





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