Intentional Coaching
Coupled with the Arts
PLACE: Online/Zoom
Date: (TBA)
TIME: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
*No art experience required
Lisa shares her workshop experience
Metacognitive drawing is surrendering to the brush. You are putting thinking aside to allow the brush to guide you. You become the observer to what is emerging.
Size of paper is up to each individual. Size brushes could vary also.
Sample photos of brushes - varying sizes. Might check out Michael’s or Amazon. The orange handled set pictured on the right is sold through amazon for around $12-
Watercolor or acrylic (Rainbow of colors with black & white) (Michael’s or Amazon)
Small tube of White Acrylic Paint (Michaels)
Paper - Large single sheet of watercolor paper can be pricey, but with a Michaels coupon reasonable. Best bet for just starting out consider (Strathmore 360-111 300 Series Watercolor Pad, 11"x15", White, 12
Cardboard or table surface that won’t get marred to tape the paper to
Green painters tape
Mixing trays (plastic egg cartons or plastic plates)
Spray bottle
Paper towels or old cotton tee shirt
Quiet space/candle
Sharpie black marker & Journal or paper to write on
Symbolic painting on canvas board
In this workshop you will be introduced to a sequential imaging process (no prior art experience required). This guided coaching journey engages you to create your own powerful metaphors and bring them to life. From this you discover your own ideas or solutions as a catalyst for change.
"It is about the profound trust we can have in the truth of each individual's own knowing." (Jennifer de Gandt)
Workshop is for leading women
Looking for clarity while moving through a transition or challenge?
Wanting to accelerate a new initiative?
Building an even more confident mindset beyond fear?
Honing in on their leading energy?
Better understand what your imagery reveals to you about yourself.
Experience a structured coaching inquiry that acts as a guide to make decisions and take action that supports your growth.
Explore how symbols open the gateway to self-discovery to accelerate your ability to manifest.
Have germinated seeds for beginning a new initiative with a solution which is all yours.
Have a meditative practice that you can revisit for personal and professional growth.
Kathy will guide you through a coaching inquiry designed to bridge a deeper connection with the image that allows new knowledge to emerge regarding your intention. This process labeled as 'Emergent Knowledge’ opens our senses to a new awareness regarding what’s most important and how to get there.
Workshop includes:
The science behind coaching coupled with the arts. of quantum physics, neuroscience, somatic movement using the arts to expand our ability to amplify our intentions.
Intention Setting Exercise using the 5 senses
Centering - somatic movement (brain/heart coherence)
Metacognitive drawing & painting
Pattern-interrupt process
Guided coaching handout
Follow-up group reflection on zoom (9a. - 10a.) Sat. (May 21st)
There is no critique or rationalization while we are experiencing the process…this is a ‘reflective time out’ to deeply listen to what you need to learn from your choice of lines, images, textures, colors and shapes that resonate with you. There will be time available at the end of the workshop for those wanting to share their experience with the group. Sharing can provide a mechanism for expanding new insights, but is optional.
The workshop will be recorded if you can't make it live. It is highly recommended if you can attend live, creating along side with others expands our field of possibilities.
Whatever the desire; you can be informed by the symbols you create. Explore the power of imagery as a gateway to self-discovery and acelerate your ability to manifest.
PLACE: Online/Zoom
TIME: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
Investment 65.00